Source code for autodocsumm

"""Sphinx extension that defines new auto documenters with autosummary.

The :class:`AutoSummModuleDocumenter` and :class:`AutoSummClassDocumenter`
classes defined here enable an autosummary-style listing of the corresponding

This extension gives also the possibility to choose which data shall be shown
and to include the docstring of the ``'__call__'`` attribute.


Copyright 2016-2019, Philipp S. Sommer

Copyright 2020-2021, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

__author__ = "Philipp S. Sommer"
__copyright__ = (
    "2016 - 2019, Philipp S. Sommer\n"
    "2020 - 2021, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon"
__credits__ = ["Philipp S. Sommer"]
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"

__maintainer__ = "Philipp S. Sommer"
__email__ = ""

__status__ = "Production"

from itertools import chain

from sphinx.util import logging
import re

from docutils import nodes

import sphinx

from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective

from sphinx.ext.autodoc import (
    ClassDocumenter, ModuleDocumenter, ALL, PycodeError,
    ModuleAnalyzer, AttributeDocumenter, DataDocumenter, Options,
import sphinx.ext.autodoc as ad

signature = Signature = None

from sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive import (
    AutodocDirective, AUTODOC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, process_documenter_options,

    from sphinx.util.inspect import signature, stringify_signature
except ImportError:
    from sphinx.ext.autodoc import Signature

sphinx_version = list(map(float, re.findall(r'\d+', sphinx.__version__)[:3]))

    from sphinx.util import force_decode
except ImportError:
    # force_decode has been removed with sphinx 4.0
    def force_decode(string: str, encoding: str) -> str:
        return string

from . import _version
__version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Options of the :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter` that have an
#: effect on the selection of members for the documentation
member_options = {
    'members', 'undoc-members', 'inherited-members', 'exclude-members',
    'private-members', 'special-members', 'imported-members',

if signature is not None:  # sphinx >= 2.4.0
    def process_signature(obj):
        sig = signature(obj)
        return stringify_signature(sig)
elif Signature is not None:  # sphinx >= 1.7
    def process_signature(obj):
            args = Signature(obj).format_args()
        except TypeError:
            return None
            args = args.replace('\\', '\\\\')
            return args

[docs] def list_option(option): """Transform a string to a list by splitting at ;;.""" return [s.strip() for s in option.split(";;")]
def bool_option(*args): return "True" def _get_arg(param, pos, default, *args, **kwargs): if param in kwargs: return kwargs[param] elif len(args) > pos: return args[pos] else: return default
[docs] class AutosummaryDocumenter(object): """Abstract class for for extending Documenter methods This classed is used as a base class for Documenters in order to provide the necessary methods for generating the autosummary.""" #: List of functions that may filter the members filter_funcs = [] #: Grouper functions grouper_funcs = [] def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_grouped_documenters(self, all_members=False): """Method to return the member documenters This method is somewhat like a combination of the :meth:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter.generate` method and the :meth:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter.document_members` method. Hence it initializes this instance by importing the object, etc. and it finds the documenters to use for the autosummary option in the same style as the document_members does it. Returns ------- dict dictionary whose keys are determined by the :attr:`member_sections` dictionary and whose values are lists of tuples. Each tuple consists of a documenter and a boolean to identify whether a module check should be made describes an attribute or not. Notes ----- If a :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.member_order` value is not in the :attr:`member_sections` dictionary, it will be put into an additional `Miscellaneous` section.""" use_sections = self.options.autosummary_sections self.parse_name() self.import_object() # If there is no real module defined, figure out which to use. # The real module is used in the module analyzer to look up the module # where the attribute documentation would actually be found in. # This is used for situations where you have a module that collects the # functions and classes of internal submodules. self.real_modname = None or self.get_real_modname() # try to also get a source code analyzer for attribute docs if sphinx_version < [4, 0]: record_dependencies = self.directive.filename_set else: record_dependencies = self.directive.record_dependencies try: self.analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(self.real_modname) # parse right now, to get PycodeErrors on parsing (results will # be cached anyway) self.analyzer.find_attr_docs() except PycodeError as err: logger.debug('[autodocsumm] module analyzer failed: %s', err) # no source file -- e.g. for builtin and C modules self.analyzer = None # at least add the module.__file__ as a dependency if hasattr(self.module, '__file__') and self.module.__file__: record_dependencies.add(self.module.__file__) else: record_dependencies.add(self.analyzer.srcname) self.env.temp_data['autodoc:module'] = self.modname if self.objpath: self.env.temp_data['autodoc:class'] = self.objpath[0] if not self.options.autosummary_force_inline: docstring = self.get_doc() or [] autodocsumm_directive = '.. auto%ssumm::' % self.objtype for s in chain.from_iterable(docstring): if autodocsumm_directive in s: return {} # set the members from the autosummary member options options_save = {} for option in member_options.intersection(self.option_spec): autopt = 'autosummary-' + option if getattr(self.options, autopt): options_save[option] = getattr(self.options, option) self.options[option] = getattr(self.options, autopt) want_all = all_members or self.options.inherited_members or \ self.options.members is ALL # find out which members are documentable members_check_module, members = self.get_object_members(want_all) # remove members given by exclude-members if self.options.exclude_members: members = [(membername, member) for (membername, member) in members if membername not in self.options.exclude_members] # document non-skipped members memberdocumenters = [] registry = for (mname, member, isattr) in self.filter_members(members, want_all): classes = [cls for cls in registry.values() if cls.can_document_member(member, mname, isattr, self)] if not classes: # don't know how to document this member continue # prefer the documenter with the highest priority classes.sort(key=lambda cls: cls.priority) # give explicitly separated module name, so that members # of inner classes can be documented full_mname = self.modname + '::' + \ '.'.join(self.objpath + [mname]) documenter = classes[-1](self.directive, full_mname, self.indent) memberdocumenters.append((documenter, members_check_module and not isattr)) member_order = ( self.options.member_order or self.env.config.autodoc_member_order ) try: memberdocumenters = self.sort_members( memberdocumenters, member_order ) except AttributeError: # sphinx<3.0 pass documenters = {} for e in memberdocumenters: section = self.member_sections.get( e[0].member_order, 'Miscellaneous') if e[0].parse_name() e[0].import_object() if members_check_module and not e[0].check_module(): continue user_section = 'autodocsumm-grouper', self.objtype, e[0].object_name, e[0].object, section, self.object) section = user_section or section if not use_sections or section in use_sections: documenters.setdefault(section, []).append(e) self.options.update(options_save) sort_option = self.env.config.autodocsumm_section_sorter if sort_option is True: return {k: documenters[k] for k in sorted(documenters)} elif callable(sort_option): return {k: documenters[k] for k in sorted(documenters, key=sort_option)} else: return documenters
[docs] def add_autosummary(self, relative_ref_paths=False): """Add the autosammary table of this documenter. Parameters ========== relative_ref_paths: bool Use paths relative to the current module instead of absolute import paths for each object """ if ( self.options.get("autosummary") and not self.options.get("no-autosummary") ): grouped_documenters = self.get_grouped_documenters() sourcename = self.get_sourcename() for section, documenters in grouped_documenters.items(): if not self.options.autosummary_no_titles: self.add_line('**%s:**' % section, sourcename) self.add_line('', sourcename) self.add_line('.. autosummary::', sourcename) if self.options.autosummary_nosignatures: self.add_line(' :nosignatures:', sourcename) self.add_line('', sourcename) indent = ' ' for (documenter, _) in documenters: obj_ref_path = documenter.fullname if relative_ref_paths: modname = self.modname + "." if documenter.fullname.startswith(modname): obj_ref_path = documenter.fullname[len(modname):] self.add_line(indent + '~' + obj_ref_path, sourcename) self.add_line('', sourcename)
[docs] class AutoSummModuleDocumenter(ModuleDocumenter, AutosummaryDocumenter): """Module documentor with autosummary tables of its members. This class has the same functionality as the base :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter` class but with an additional `autosummary`. It's priority is slightly higher than the one of the ModuleDocumenter. """ #: slightly higher priority than #: :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter` priority = ModuleDocumenter.priority + 0.1 #: original option_spec from :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter` #: but with additional autosummary boolean option option_spec = ModuleDocumenter.option_spec.copy() option_spec['autosummary'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-no-nesting'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-sections'] = list_option option_spec['autosummary-no-titles'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-force-inline'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-nosignatures'] = bool_option #: Add options for members for the autosummary for _option in member_options.intersection(option_spec): option_spec['autosummary-' + _option] = option_spec[_option] del _option member_sections = { ad.ClassDocumenter.member_order: 'Classes', ad.ExceptionDocumenter.member_order: 'Exceptions', ad.FunctionDocumenter.member_order: 'Functions', ad.DataDocumenter.member_order: 'Data', } """:class:`dict` that includes the autosummary sections This dictionary defines the sections for the autosummmary option. The values correspond to the :attr:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.member_order` attribute that shall be used for each section."""
[docs] def add_content(self, *args, **kwargs): super().add_content(*args, **kwargs) self.add_autosummary(relative_ref_paths=True) if self.options.get("autosummary-no-nesting"): self.options["no-autosummary"] = "True"
[docs] class AutoSummClassDocumenter(ClassDocumenter, AutosummaryDocumenter): """Class documentor with autosummary tables for its members. This class has the same functionality as the base :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ClassDocumenter` class but with an additional `autosummary` option to provide the ability to provide a summary of all methods and attributes. It's priority is slightly higher than the one of the ClassDocumenter """ #: slightly higher priority than #: :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ClassDocumenter` priority = ClassDocumenter.priority + 0.1 #: original option_spec from :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.ClassDocumenter` #: but with additional autosummary boolean option option_spec = ClassDocumenter.option_spec.copy() option_spec['autosummary'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-no-nesting'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-sections'] = list_option option_spec['autosummary-no-titles'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-force-inline'] = bool_option option_spec['autosummary-nosignatures'] = bool_option #: Add options for members for the autosummary for _option in member_options.intersection(option_spec): option_spec['autosummary-' + _option] = option_spec[_option] del _option member_sections = { ad.ClassDocumenter.member_order: 'Classes', ad.MethodDocumenter.member_order: 'Methods', ad.AttributeDocumenter.member_order: 'Attributes', } """:class:`dict` that includes the autosummary sections This dictionary defines the sections for the autosummmary option. The values correspond to the :attr:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter.member_order` attribute that shall be used for each section."""
[docs] def add_content(self, *args, **kwargs): super().add_content(*args, **kwargs) self.add_autosummary(relative_ref_paths=True)
[docs] class CallableDataDocumenter(DataDocumenter): """:class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.DataDocumenter` that uses the __call__ attr """ priority = DataDocumenter.priority + 0.1
[docs] def format_args(self): # for classes, the relevant signature is the __init__ method's callmeth = self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None) if callmeth is None: return None return process_signature(callmeth)
[docs] def get_doc(self, *args, **kwargs): """Reimplemented to include data from the call method""" content = self.env.config.autodata_content if content not in ('both', 'call') or not self.get_attr( self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None), '__doc__'): return super(CallableDataDocumenter, self).get_doc( *args, **kwargs ) # for classes, what the "docstring" is can be controlled via a # config value; the default is both docstrings docstrings = [] if content != 'call': docstring = self.get_attr(self.object, '__doc__', None) docstrings = [docstring + '\n'] if docstring else [] calldocstring = self.get_attr( self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None), '__doc__') if docstrings: docstrings[0] += calldocstring else: docstrings.append(calldocstring + '\n') doc = [] for docstring in docstrings: if not isinstance(docstring, str): docstring = force_decode(docstring, encoding) doc.append(prepare_docstring(docstring, ignore)) return doc
[docs] class CallableAttributeDocumenter(AttributeDocumenter): """:class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter` that uses the __call__ attr """ priority = AttributeDocumenter.priority + 0.1
[docs] def format_args(self): # for classes, the relevant signature is the __init__ method's callmeth = self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None) if callmeth is None: return None return process_signature(callmeth)
[docs] def get_doc(self, *args, **kwargs): """Reimplemented to include data from the call method""" content = self.env.config.autodata_content if content not in ('both', 'call') or not self.get_attr( self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None), '__doc__'): return super(CallableAttributeDocumenter, self).get_doc( *args, **kwargs ) # for classes, what the "docstring" is can be controlled via a # config value; the default is both docstrings docstrings = [] if content != 'call': docstring = self.get_attr(self.object, '__doc__', None) docstrings = [docstring + '\n'] if docstring else [] calldocstring = self.get_attr( self.get_attr(self.object, '__call__', None), '__doc__') if docstrings: docstrings[0] += calldocstring else: docstrings.append(calldocstring + '\n') doc = [] if sphinx_version < [4, 0]: encoding = _get_arg("encoding", 0, None, *args, **kwargs) ignore = _get_arg("ignore", 1, 1, *args, **kwargs) for docstring in docstrings: if not isinstance(docstring, str): docstring = force_decode(docstring, encoding) doc.append(prepare_docstring(docstring, ignore)) else: for docstring in docstrings: doc.append(prepare_docstring(docstring)) return doc
[docs] def dont_document_data(config, fullname): """Check whether the given object should be documented Parameters ---------- config: sphinx.Options The configuration fullname: str The name of the object Returns ------- bool Whether the data of `fullname` should be excluded or not""" if config.document_data is True: document_data = [re.compile('.*')] else: document_data = config.document_data if config.not_document_data is True: not_document_data = [re.compile('.*')] else: not_document_data = config.not_document_data return ( # data should not be documented (any(re.match(p, fullname) for p in not_document_data)) or # or data is not included in what should be documented (not any(re.match(p, fullname) for p in document_data)))
[docs] class NoDataDataDocumenter(CallableDataDocumenter): """DataDocumenter that prevents the displaying of large data""" #: slightly higher priority as the one of the CallableDataDocumenter priority = CallableDataDocumenter.priority + 0.1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NoDataDataDocumenter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) fullname = '.'.join('::', 1)) if hasattr(self.env, 'config') and dont_document_data( self.env.config, fullname): self.options = Options(self.options) self.options.annotation = ' '
[docs] class NoDataAttributeDocumenter(CallableAttributeDocumenter): """AttributeDocumenter that prevents the displaying of large data""" #: slightly higher priority as the one of the CallableAttributeDocumenter priority = CallableAttributeDocumenter.priority + 0.1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NoDataAttributeDocumenter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) fullname = '.'.join('::', 1)) if hasattr(self.env, 'config') and dont_document_data( self.env.config, fullname): self.options = Options(self.options) self.options.annotation = ' '
[docs] class AutoDocSummDirective(SphinxDirective): """A directive to generate an autosummary. Usage:: .. autoclasssum:: <Class> .. automodsum:: <module> The directive additionally supports all options of the ``autoclass`` or ``automod`` directive respectively. Sections can be a list of section titles to be included. If ommitted, all sections are used. """ has_content = False option_spec = AutodocDirective.option_spec required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 def run(self): reporter = self.state.document.reporter try: source, lineno = reporter.get_source_and_line(self.lineno) except AttributeError: source, lineno = (None, None) # look up target Documenter objtype =[4:-4] # strip prefix (auto-) and suffix (-summ). doccls =[objtype] self.options['autosummary-force-inline'] = "True" self.options['autosummary'] = "True" if 'no-members' not in self.options: self.options['members'] = "" # process the options with the selected documenter's option_spec try: documenter_options = process_documenter_options(doccls, self.config, self.options) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError) as exc: # an option is either unknown or has a wrong type logger.error( 'An option to %s is either unknown or has an invalid ' 'value: %s',, exc, location=(self.env.docname, lineno)) return [] # generate the output params = DocumenterBridge(self.env, reporter, documenter_options, lineno, self.state) documenter = doccls(params, self.arguments[0]) documenter.add_autosummary() node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document self.state.nested_parse(params.result, 0, node) return node.children
[docs] def setup(app): """setup function for using this module as a sphinx extension""" app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.autosummary') app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.autodoc') app.add_directive('autoclasssumm', AutoDocSummDirective) app.add_directive('automodulesumm', AutoDocSummDirective) AUTODOC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.extend( [option for option in AutoSummModuleDocumenter.option_spec if option not in AUTODOC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS]) AUTODOC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.extend( [option for option in AutoSummClassDocumenter.option_spec if option not in AUTODOC_DEFAULT_OPTIONS]) # make sure to allow inheritance when registering new documenters registry = app.registry.documenters for cls in [AutoSummClassDocumenter, AutoSummModuleDocumenter, CallableAttributeDocumenter, NoDataDataDocumenter, NoDataAttributeDocumenter]: if not issubclass(registry.get(cls.objtype), cls): app.add_autodocumenter(cls, override=True) # group event app.add_event('autodocsumm-grouper') # config value app.add_config_value('autodata_content', 'class', True) app.add_config_value('document_data', True, True) app.add_config_value('not_document_data', [], True) app.add_config_value('autodocsumm_section_sorter', None, True) return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}